This report gathers and presents the engineering correlations developed and validated within
PRESLHY project to close the relevant knowledge gaps associated to cryogenic and liquid
hydrogen safety and to calculate the hazard distances of relevant accident scenarios. The unique
experimental data generated within PRESLHY project in the technical work packages 3-5 were
used to develop empirical or semi-empirical correlations or for validation of novel engineering
tools and models. In addition to PRESLHY outcomes, experimental data available in the
literature were also employed to widen the pool of covered phenomena and validation ranges.
Validated engineering correlations will be fed into recommendations for Regulations Codes and
Standards (RCS). This deliverable provides the description of the engineering correlations and
tools according to a unified template to ease future implementation into existing and/or future
integrated platforms for hazards and risks assessment, e.g. the e-Laboratory developed within
the ongoing project Net-Tools.