PRESLHY is a EU FCH JU 2.0 co-funded research and innovation activity (Project ID 779613), addressing pre-normative work for the safe use of liquid (cryogenic) hydrogen LH2 as an energy carrier.
The main objectives are to identify safety critical areas where knowledge gaps exist and specific standards are needed. Based on the research work those gaps will be closed by developing and validating new appropriate models and engineering correlations, which will help to evaluate efficient mitigation concepts and least conservative but reliable, consistent safety distance rules for LH2 based technologies .
The derived models and correlations shall be either directly implemented or at least referred to in revised existing or new international standards. Additionally the models will close current gaps in the set of models used by risk assessment tools and thereby increase their validated scopes of application.
In general it will
- remove over-conservative requirements for innovative solutions,
- allow for cost-efficient safer design and for
- internationally harmonised, performance based standards and regulations.
The project terms are 01/2018 to 12/2020.