- Compile a chapter on LH2 safety for the Handbook of Hydrogen Safety
- Develop novel guidelines for safe design and operation of LH2 systems and infrastructure
- Prepare recommendations for relevant Regulations, Codes and Standards (RCS)
- Describe engineering correlations and tools for implementation into hazards and risk assessment tools
- Formulate a White Paper on the use of LH2
- Organise the Dissemination Conference
Description of work
The aim of WP6 is implementation of technical outputs of the project, generated by the consortium composed of representatives of hydrogen industry, regulators, leading research centres in the field and academia, into publicly available documents that would underpin inherently safer deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies using LH2 and cryo-compressed hydrogen. The project results will be disseminated to all stakeholders both in Europe and worldwide, including but not limited to hydrogen industry, regulators, policy makers, standard development organisations, higher education institutions, etc. through the project website and the Dissemination Conference
Work package leader: UU; Partners involved: all