The first PRESLHY Review of Experimental Outcomes was organised on 26 June 2020, 14:30 – 16:30 CEST online via GotoMeeting
The focus was on the experiments done by partner HSE.


1) Short motivation/intent of the experiments
2) Description of the set-up, sensors etc.
3) Experimental matrix
4) Results (measurement data, curves, correlations, videos including post-processing steps)
5) Discussion of exploitation – all (modelling, benchmarking, scientific publication,…..)


TJ: Thomas Jordan KIT
AV :      Alexandros Venetsanos NCSRD
AT: Andrei Tchouvelev AVT
AH: Ann Halford DNVGL
BE: Brian Ehrhart SNL
CD: Chris Dixon Shell
DA: Dan Allason DNVGL
DH: Deborah Houssin AL
DM: Dmitriy Makarov UU
EH: Ethan Hecht SNL
IT: Ilias Tolias NCSRD
JG: Jonathan Gerstner KIT
JH: Jonathan Hall HSE
JS: Julien Salvat TME
KL: Kieran Lyons HSE
LP: Lee Phillips Shell
MJ: Michael Johnson DNV GL
ZR: Zhaoxin Ren UWAR
PS:        Pratap.Sathiah Shell
FA :       Friedrich, Andreas PS
KM:       Kuznetsov, Mike KIT
SC: Simon Coldrick HSE
SJ: Simon Jallais AL
SB: Steven Betterridge Shell
SG :       Stella Giannissi NCSRD
MV:       Molkov, Vladimir UU
CD :      Cirrone, Donatella UU
NG:       Necker, Gottfried PS
BW: Benno Weinberger INERIS
GD: Gary Dobbin HSE

Documentation of the event

The documentation of the workshop is contained mainly in two presentations. The first presentation below provides details of the Rainout Experiments E3.5

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The second presentation provided details on the Electrostatics Experiments E4.3 and the Rapid Phase Transition Experiments

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The following discussion started about the E3.5 rainout experiments

Donatella Cirrone: How was T measurment done?
Answer by Jonathan Hall: TC3 surface contact type. Quality of signals is questionable.

Alexandros Venetsanos: Did the set-up account for massflux provided by the trailer?
Answer by Jonathan Hall: There is no mass flux measurement at the trailer.

Alexandros Venetsanos: What is the function of the heat exchanger inside the trailer tank?
Answer by Jonathan Hall: This is only to pressurise, not to provide gaseous H2

Satement by Jonathan Hall: Test started with warm release pipework

Satement by Jonathan Hall: Coriolis probe is not calibrated for T<-100°C

Alexandros Venetsanos: Why there is not Bernoulli based mass flux measurement?
Answer: How to use Bernoulli if not knowing density

Pratap Satiah: Was there measurement of H2 concentrations at ground level during the vent stack releases before the actual experiment?
Answer Simon Coldrick: This will be added to the report.

Stella Giannissi: Regarding the near field sensors, how much does the displacement contribute to the error in the signal?
Answer by Simon Coldrick: Unclear.

Alexandros Venetsanos: Are there T below 20K?
Answer by Jonathan Hall: It is assumed yes.

Stella Giannissi: Is the 5 bar 12mm the only case with LH2 release?
Answer by Simon Coldrick: Yes.

Stella Giannissi: Is the 5 bar 12mm the only case with LH2 release?
Answer by Simon Coldrick: Yes.